Keith Skiffington
From Moncton NB, Keith graduated from Acadia with a BBA in 1982. While at Acadia he played on both of Acadia’s National Championship Football Teams (1979 and 1981).
His career included working with Imperial Oil as a marketing rep,operations manager of a small retail dry goods chain, sales manager of the Metropolitan Halifax Chamber of Commerce, and COO of Office Interiors where he also was a partner. Currently, he works part timeas a consultant and is a partner in two growing Halifax based companies, Cabco Communications Ltd. and Lakeview Electric Ltd.
In addition to work, Keith has been an active community volunteer.Served as the Chair for New Business Development for the Metro UnitedWay, on the Acadia Alumni Board, Sport Nova Scotia Board, Foundational Board, the organizing committee for the Neptune Gala, Chefs for UNICEF Dinner, Laser North American and World Laser Sailing Regattas, and the QEII Ride for Cancer. He founded the Timber lea Titans Football Association, Bay view High Football program, served as President of Football Nova Scotia and coached at various levels for over 20 years. He recently helped establish the Friends of Acadia Football Society to provide Alumni support to the football program at Acadia.
He retired to Wolfville in 2021 with his wife Joanne and took up farming growing grapes for the wine industry.